This is a picture of me and my Quechua 2 Seconds Fresh and Black Tent beside a lake.

What Are Pop Up Tents Made Of? (5 Answered Questions!)

Over the past 4 years, I’ve bought and tested several pop up tents, including the quality of the materials used. Here’s everything I’ve discovered about what pop up tents are made of. Generally, a pop up tent’s poles are made of fiberglass, the pop up tent flooring is made of either polyester or polyethylene, and…

This is a picture of my Quechua 2 Seconds Fresh and Black Tent beside a lake.

Can You Use Pop Up Tents for Camping? (6 Answered Questions!)

I’ve bought and used many pop up tents in many different locations – indoor camping, backyard camping, regular camping, and even wild camping. Here’s what I’ve learned about using pop up tents while camping. Pop up tents can be used for camping, as long as it’s sold by a reputable outdoor gear brand. While pop…