This is a picture of me opening up the T-door of the Columbia Mammoth Creek 10-Person Tent.

I Tested the Columbia Mammoth Creek 10-Person Tent (Review)

Rating and Summary The Columbia Mammoth Creek Tent is a powerhouse of a cabin tent. It performed well across almost all categories, offering a great deal of spaciousness, comfort, features, ventilation (on both hot and rainy days!), and water protection. And last but not least, it’s very high quality. However, its biggest con is that…

This is a picture of my Core 10-Person Straight Wall Cabin Tent in my yard.

I Tested the Core 10-Person Straight Wall Cabin Tent (Review)

Rating and Summary The Core Straight Wall Cabin Tent is an incredibly spacious tent. Its 10-person version has an impressive peak height of 90 inches, and I couldn’t even reach the top of the tent! (I’m 5’3″, ,by the way.) Another great thing about the Core Cabin Tent is that there are no obvious flaws….